The Language Exchange

Welcome to our Language Exchange! This blog is a platform for my students to publish their own texts in the languages I teach them. I think this might be a good way to motivate them to learn languages. Feel free to comment on the posts. And please be nice. (Every student has written an introductory post, usually accompanied by a photo. You can find them in the archives.)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merry Christmas!

You won't find many new posts here in the months to come as I'm about to give birth to my third child. So I'll be off for some time. If all goes well we might start with our usual routine in March or April. I'll try to moderate any comments coming in until then as soon as I can.

Thanks a lot to all of you who have sent us your motivating comments. I always try to answer them together with the student concerned, however, sometimes this is impossible as I don't see said student on a regular basis. Remember, we're not a class, but all my students come here to take individual lessons, sometimes only as often as three or four times a year, most of them have a weekly appointment though.

Merry Christmas and all our best wishes for the New Year - may it be peaceful for all of us.

Manuela & students