The Language Exchange

Welcome to our Language Exchange! This blog is a platform for my students to publish their own texts in the languages I teach them. I think this might be a good way to motivate them to learn languages. Feel free to comment on the posts. And please be nice. (Every student has written an introductory post, usually accompanied by a photo. You can find them in the archives.)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Religious Education - by Alexander

In my R. E. lessons we talk about topics from the students rather than topics from the teacher. We find it good because we learn more this way, for example, today we talked about confirmation classes. The other day a student suggested discussing exorcism because he had seen something about it on TV. We talked about the origin of the word exorcism and its literal translation. I had heard of it, but I didn't know what it really means. Now I know.
