The Language Exchange

Welcome to our Language Exchange! This blog is a platform for my students to publish their own texts in the languages I teach them. I think this might be a good way to motivate them to learn languages. Feel free to comment on the posts. And please be nice. (Every student has written an introductory post, usually accompanied by a photo. You can find them in the archives.)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Nochevieja - por Laura

Voy a celebrar con mis amigos. Para la cena vamos a preparar una "raclette" y un ponche. Toda la noche vamos a jugar "SingStar" y otros juegos. Justamente antes de medianoche vamos a fundir plomo para predecir el futuro. A las doce tomamos un vaso de champán y hacemos fuegos artificiales.
A todos que leen esto les deseo un próspero año nuevo!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Navidad - por Annika

Annika tuvo que escribir unas frases usando el vocabulario de Navidad. Eso es lo que ha escrito:

Mi madre decora el árbol de Navidad. Toda mi familia hace regalos. No ponemos un belén y no cantamos villancicos. Festejo la Nochevieja con mis amigos y hacemos fuegos artificiales.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Johanna (13) - English and French

Hola, bonjour, hello to everyone! My name is Johanna, I'm 13 years old. I have brown hair and green eyes as you can see on the picture. My favorite colors are red and turquoise. My hobbies are riding, swimming and drawing. I have a dog and two horses. I learn French and English at school, it's fun but sometimes it is very hard. I have a sister who looks like me. She is one year younger than I am. I play the clarinet and practise with my band every Tuesday.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone!

Monday, December 10, 2007

X-mas - by Klara

I look forward to Christmas because of the presents. I'm not a religious person, that's why I don't care much about the celebrations. I don't go to church. We don't know yet what we will eat, but it's going to taste good!

Friday, December 07, 2007

A night in the barn - by Anna-Lena

A few years ago, in the summer, my friend and I slept in a barn. We slept in sleeping bags on a tumbril. We had brought sandwiches which we ate there. It was fun. When it was dark, we could see the orange moon through the barn doors. We told funny stories until we fell asleep. Suddenly there was a noise - we were scared! We didn't know where it came from. Then my friend remembered that there were mice in the barn. The next morning at breakfast we talked a lot about our exciting night. I'll never forget this little adventure.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Jennifer (17) - English and Spanish

My name is Jenny. I'm 17 years old. I have got a little sister, she is 5 years old. My hobbies are playing volleyball, meeting friends and listening to music. I haven't got any pets. I learn English and Spanish. After school I'm going to do an apprenticeship as a nurse.