The Language Exchange

Welcome to our Language Exchange! This blog is a platform for my students to publish their own texts in the languages I teach them. I think this might be a good way to motivate them to learn languages. Feel free to comment on the posts. And please be nice. (Every student has written an introductory post, usually accompanied by a photo. You can find them in the archives.)

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Finish the sentences - by Klara (17)

1. The worst present I was ever given was a very, very ugly pair of pyjamas.
2. If I had a million dollars to give to charity it would be Greenpeace.
3. If I got to choose my "last meal" it would be all the fast food I have avoided throughout my life.
4. Life is not a bowl of cherries.
5. If at first you don't succeed, try again right away.
6. I have never been intolerant.
7. In ten years' time I hope to be successful.
8. Learning a language is hard work.
9. If I won the lottery I would buy many shoes.
10. Oh, ... and by the way, I look older than I am and it drives me crazy when people gasp at me every time I tell them my real age.


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