The Language Exchange

Welcome to our Language Exchange! This blog is a platform for my students to publish their own texts in the languages I teach them. I think this might be a good way to motivate them to learn languages. Feel free to comment on the posts. And please be nice. (Every student has written an introductory post, usually accompanied by a photo. You can find them in the archives.)

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Anna (17) - English, Spanish and French

Me llamo Anna y tengo 17 años. Estudio tres idiomas: el inglés, el español y el francés. I don't know any French anymore because it's been two years since I spoke or wrote it. At the moment English is my favourite language but Spanish is interesting, too. Got a penfriend in England, it's awesome to talk with somebody who uses the language everyday. He tries to teach me and shows me my mistakes. English people are very polite and nice. They always answer your questions and try to help you if you have any problems. I like them a lot.


At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola Anna, me llamo Marco, soy mexicano y tengo 30 años, milengua natal es el español pero se algo de ingles e italiano, me gustaría que tuvieramos contacto y así practicar las lenguas que tenemos en común y si hay alguna duda con la cual pueda ayudar, estoy en la mejor disposición para hacerlo. Mi mail lo tiene tu profesora de idiomas por si te interesa contactarte conmigo ella puede proporcinartelo. Saludos desde México.


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